Prestashop Google merchant center feed

With this module you can create XML / CSV feed with products for Google Merchant Center purposes. With this addon you can personalize feed contents thanks to options available during export process. Addon creates two types of feeds: downloadable file or on-line available feed for Scheduled fetch. It exports both products and combinations (all product variants).

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 2.2.6
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
Public help and discussion Open forum discussion
  • Trusted developer of module Google merchant center feed
  • Support to the module Google merchant center feed
  • Free updates of the module Google merchant center feed
  • Open source - you can edit module code Google merchant center feed
  • Module Google merchant center feed works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Google merchant center feed works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Google merchant center feed works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Google merchant center feed

As you already know - this is module dedicated for PrestaShop and it offers "export" tool. This export tool creates a xml or csv feed with products for Google Merchant Center purposes. Simply saying - with this addon you can easily export products (with combinations!) to google marketplace.


Two export types
Export to file On-line available feed of products
This is a manual method of feed generation process. It is available on feed management page in shop back office. You set there settings of the feed and module will generate and download file to your personal computer. This is export method that creates a special url with export parameters. Opening this url in your browser will generate a feed of products with defined settings. You can use this if you want to from time-to-time update the products in merchant center with Scheduled fetch
Two export file formats
Export to file On-line available feed of products

saved feed settings

Thanks to feature to save feed settings exported feed can be generated and downloaded automatically by google's scheduled fetch.
You can also configure module to save feed to file in module's directory (for example you want to run cron job and save feed)


google merchan t center xml csv products

Configuration of feed
This module to export products for google merchant center purposes allows to personalize the feed in a handy way. During configuration of export you in shop back office you can select various options. I describe these options below.

Type of file module will generate

Module allows to generate CSV or XML file. Here you can decide what format of file module will create. Suggested: lightweight CSV

What you want to export?
Module allows to export Producs (without combinations) or all product variants (combinations)



Added feature to include product_type to feed - you can enable or disable it.

Use the product_type attribute to include your own product categorization system in your product data. 


How to identify product?
You can decide how module will define the ID of the product. it can be ID of product, ID of combination or both id_product-id_combination. Great way to easily distinct the products in the feed.

Gender, age_group, color, size
In some specific countries and for some specific product's categories (like clothing) it is required to send in feed information about product attributes like color, size etc. Our module gives you possibility to include these fields to feed dynamically, based on associations between product and features or directly from product's attributes (if products have combinations).

google merchant center age group, size, gener, color

Unique product identificator for google merchant center purposes

Unique product identifiers define the product you're selling in the global marketplace. They uniquely distinguish products you are selling and help match search queries with your offers. Unique product identifiers are assigned to each product by the manufacturer, so if you sell the same product as another retailer, the UPIs will be identical. In google merchant center feed it is called "GTIN" (global trade item number). Module allows to select UPC barcode number, ean13 barcode number or reference number.


Short description
You can decide if module will include short description to feed of products,


You can decide if module will include standard description to feed


Remove html from descriptions
Module allows to remove html languge from description. So feed will contain only pure text.


Language of feed
You can select what language will be used to create a feed of products (so all product names, urls to products etc. will be in selected language)


Product's stock availability
You can export products that are in stock only, or all of them


Product's availability
You can export all products (even not active products) or only active products


Information about stock
You can include real stock information, insert "in-stock" info for all products even if some of them are out of stock, insert "out-of-stock" info for all products even if some of them are in stock


Product Manufacturer
You can export products from selected manufacturer


Default manufacturer value
If your products are not associated with manufacturer (it is required for google merchant center feed purposes) you can define the default value of manufacturer field, so you can put there your own brand


Product supplier
You can export products from selected suppliers only


Product Category
You can export products from selected category only


Image size for product pictures
You can decinde what image format will be used in feed. So you can control the quality of the images and size (width and height of picture) to avoid errors from google merchant center feed validator


You can decide what currency will be included to the feed of products

Product price
Module allows to decide about price that wil be exported. In PrestaShop product prices may vary depending on currency, group of customers, country etc. Module allows to precisely decide what price will be exported by currency, country, group of customers, specific prices etc.


Google categories
Module has awesome tool to map your shop categories with google merchant center feed categories

Feature to show your products on local surfaces across Google
Module has options to include store code to feed, Thanks to this it will be available on unpaid product listings across Google surfaces, including Google Search, Google Images, Google Shopping, Google Maps, and Google Lens

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Google merchant center feed

Associated videos: Prestashop Google merchant center feed

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Google merchant center feed

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Google merchant center feed Changelog - informations about updates


- added new availaiblity (stock) workflow, from now additional option is to set products that are out of stock with active backorder as "in stock" products



- added improvements to image links generation process



- added improvements to filters, from now categories tree has categories that are hidden (disabled)



- added feature to export prices for selected groups of customers



- added improvements to export of "additional picutres" field



- added new GTIN number to select - it is ISBN code



- added improvements to export of GTIN number, 

- from now you can also select MPN number



- added feature to export "adult" field that may require age verification in google



- added improvements to save process of feed settings to avoid problem with creation process of new feed urls 



- added new feature to remove selected characters from product name

- added new feature to enclose (wrap) string value fields with double quotes (useful if you want to edit csv file in some software that may require to wrap long fields with double quotes).



- added new feature to "repeat" category selection in all fields in category-associations feature



- added improvements to ajax queries in prestashop 8.x to make the category-associations feature work properly



- solved prolem with save process of feed in prestashop 8.x 



- solved problem with google categories associations in prestashop 8.x



- improved search for products exclusions in prestashop 8.x



- added support of prestashop 8.x

- added new feature to exclude (from feed) products worth less than defined value (in default currency)



- added improvement to prder of availability and availabaility date fields



- added feature to export "availability date" for products that are available to bacorder (out of stock but possible to order)



- added feature to export "gender" and "age group" from attribtues



- added improvements to shipping details export process in prestashop 1.7.x 

- added improvements to save process of feed url



- added improvements to shipping details export process in prestashop 1.6.x 



- added improvements to nomenclature used by the module, from now item_category is replaced with product_type

- added improvements to sale_price - from now it is empty when product does not have a specific price



- added improvements to module workflow in prestashop 1.7.8 to avoid problems on product edit page with category search bar



- added new feature to save feed settings and possibility to manage (browse) previously saved feeds

- added new feature to define shortlink (previously module had only long url with parameters, now it gives possibility to use short link)



- added feature to exclude products without picture



- replaced "available for order" with "backorder" in feed generated in with url



- replaced "available for order" with "backorder" in feed generated in back office of shop



- added improvements to feature to select attributes

- from now you can point several attributes that will be identified as a "size" attribute



- added improvements to price rounding method



- added improvements to gtin and identifier_exists field (from now you can decide if identifier_exists will be a part of feed or not)



- added improvements to export process of combinations from selected category and manufacturers

- these two filters are workign properly now together



- added improvements to export process of combinations to avoid "internal server error 500" in prestashop 1.6.x



- added improvements to tax excluded/tax included prices that are available in on-line feed



- added fixes to recently acidentally added feature to export also vat number and both prices (tax inc. tax excl) 

- this generated problems with 'price' field identification by google so we reverted these unexpected changes



- cleanup not used field (description) - google does not require it anymore



- added feature that gives possibility to save feed to file

- the feed will be located in module directory as products.csv, products.xml, combinations.csv or combinations.xml file



- added possibility to define size, age_group, gender and color fields from product's attributes and features



- added new field "inventory" as an optional field to export



- added improvements to save process of configuration form



- added improvements to feature that capitalize words in product name to avoid problems with special characters capitalization in PHP



- added fixes to appearance of edit page of export form in prestashop



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop



- added new feature to decide what to do if product's combinations will not have associated pictures

- from now module can include main product picture instead (thanks to this you will avoid "missing" combination picture)



- added translations improvements



- added feature to show your products on local surfaces across Google

- you can activate option to include store_code to feed and define the store code value (Google My Business)



- added new feature to decide for what country module will calculate prices in feed



- added new feature to exclude products that starts with defined reference



- added new field that can be exported (defined manually): age_group

- added new filed that can be exported (defined manually): size

- added new field than can be exported (defined manually): gender



- added new feature to make the GTIN field empty (thanks to this identifier_exists field will have value "false")



- added new feature to export also item_group_id - thanks to this product's variants can be grouped



- added improvements to export products of prices in currency different than default

- this improvements fixes problem with price in different currency when price is not calculated with prestashop's currency conversion rates but with 'specific prices' feature. From now price is included properly.



- added improvements to export page,

- from now module has two buttons "Save" (that saves export form only) and "save & export" (that saves form and download file with exported products)



- added improvements to format of product name that will be included to feed

- from now you can select: 

- Capitalize first letter, example: "Product name"

- Capitalize words, example: "Product Name"

- Lowercase all letters, example: "product name"



- added improvements to export process of xml files to avoid problem with "ghost" entries of excluded items (for exmaple while you export only in-stock products)



- added improvements to export process in multistore environment

- added improvements to export of "product_type" with custom category ID numbers



- added improvements to export process of gtin as reference number



- added improvements to feature that includes id of category when merchant want to use own product's categorization



- added improvements to configuration of "delimiter" field



- added improvements to export process of utf-8 formatted file

- added improvements to avoid problems with export process in php 7.1



- added new feature to include category id of product category name - useful when you use own product's categorization and your categories have the same name.



- added new feature to export also unit price of item



- added improvements to feature to allows to export defined number of products to avoid problems with auto-update of url to feed



- added improvements to ajax queries that module does when you map shop's categories with google's categories



- added feature that allows to limit number of products in feed

- option is useful for hosting accounts with limited resources



- added improvements to save process of google categories tree associations



- added new feature to optionally save the export form settings

- added new feature to decide what name of product will be included (product name or meta title)

- added improvement to capitalize the names of product name



- added new feature to include product's additional shipping cost to delivery price



- added new feature to include shipping cos of item to products' feed generated by module



- added feature to decide if you want to include weight of item to feed

- added improvements to module's updates checker feature



- added feature to auto-configure form based on previously selected features

- from now you can just paste url to special field and module will configure form



- added improvements to Sale prices in export feed, now the price is implemented and calculated properly 



- added improvements to update checker feature

- added new option to exclude products from feed generated by module



- added feature to include product_type to feed - you can enable or disable it.

- Use the product_type attribute to include your own product categorization system in your product data. 



- added improvements related to module usage in prestashop 1.6.0.x releases



- added new feature to include GTIN field

- you can select what kind of data will be included to GTIN field (it can be: UPC, EAN13, JAN, reference)

- extended feature to synchronize and map shop's categories with google categories

- from now you can download specific language version of categories (useful for websites in language that google merchant center does not support)



- added new feature to define feed format

- from now you can generate both XML and CSV file with feed of products



- updated the list of fields that are included to feed with products



- added feature to decide what kind of currency will be used to calculate products' prices

- added feature to control the stock information, you can use real stock information, or just insert for each product "in stock" or "out of stock" depending on your requirements



- added feature to select currency of exported products prices



- added feature to export all pics of products 



- added improvements to module to make it work properly with brand new prestashop



- added improvements to module to make it work properly with brand new prestashop



- released version that is ready to work with prestashop 1.7.x



- added fixes to tool to pair categories between shop and google marketplae



- added tool to pair shop categories with google marketplace categories



- added translations pack for polish, frech, italian, german and spanish languages



- started project on addons marketplace