Facebook Shop module is the best way to create own PrestaShop store on Facebook. This module integrates your fanpage on Facebook with your shop based on PrestaShop engine in all available versions! Facebook Shop is a new, professional sales channel for distributing your stuff in social media networks. Our attractive tool that provides you shop for people with an account on Facebook will increase your income and increase consumer loyalty to your brand.
Facebook changed their api policy. Official Facebook's api docs and Official Facebook statement say that page tabs from apps can be installed on fanpages with more than 2000 likes.
This means that you can use Facebook Shop module on fanpages with more than 2000 likes only.
source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/tabs/
Facebook Shop is the best and the most effective PrestaShop module, for integrate your shop with your Facebook Fanpage. This solution is not only a module but also a reliable application on Facebook that allows you to easily install the shop tab! In this way you will not have to create a new application. Just click, and use this great social media tool.
How does it work?
The Facebook Shop consists of two things: Facebook Shop application and PrestaShop Facebook Shop module. First of these allows you to add shop tab into specific facebook fanpage. Second create a shop in tab. Installation and configuration of the app and shop is extremely simple. The installation process is a matter of few mouse clicks. As we say our product consist two things, we want to describe them shortly below.
You can find this app here: Facebook Shop appliaction site . As you see, it's Facebook application - we create it because we want to offer a fully comprehensive product and we want to help you with integration and installation process. As we say, our app uses SSL certificate especially for secure browsing for your users. What does it mean? It mean that every user with Facebook "safety browsing" turned on can get access to "sales" tab. It's important, because APPs without SSL certificate isn't working on Facebook.
Facebook Shop module:
Facebook Shop module for PrestaShop main features:
With Facebook Shop module you can:
Shop configuration tool:
You can also configure shop exactly as you want by using module configuration tool.
Set up server mode - if your webhosting doesnt allow to use mod rewrite (friendly urls) - it isn't problem. You can easily turn off this feature in module configuration page
Editing header & footer section, it mean that you can personalize design of your shop by own theme
Breadcrumb, it's feature for your customers and used for shop page navigation tips
Create own animated slider , with own pictures and own URLs
Select items in main menu of shop on facebook , create menu looks exactly as you want
Featured products in homepage
Product in categories
Sorting products in categories
Properties of dispalying product in list
Social network integrations
Module works with multilanguage shops
Module works with multicurrency shops
This means that your customers can change currency in facebook shop (since 1.8.8)
Module fully supports multistore feature
This means taht you can crate as much facebook shops based on multistore engine as you want. There is no limitatos. Each shop can have own unique design, own unique colors, slides, images etc.
Add to cart feature
Module contains feature to turn on or turn off add to cart button. You can add products to cart directly from facebook shop.
AJAX technique, browse shop without reloading page
Installation procedure
Facebook Shop appliaction site
- added feature that allows to disable menu bar in the facebook shop
- added improvements to module update process,
- it has new code to alter shop database
- improved module code to eliminate minor issues in prestashop 1.4.x
- added fixes to 'unidentified index' php notice in prestashop 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x
- added support of PrestaShop 1.7.x !
- you can decide what kind of price module will display
- you can display prices with or without tax now
- updated Portuguese translation
- updated Brazilian translation
- updated Polish translation
- added feature to support google analytics
- now you can create links with utm_source and utm_medium
- to enable analytics support just turn on "analytics support" option on "product list properties" settings page
- feature to define what kind of link to "add to cart" module will generate
- now you can select between secured (https) and simple (http) link
- feature added becauase one customer reported issue with add to cart process with https link (some specific hosting settings)
- added fixes related to facebook library
- now it changes height of the tab (tab with facebook shop on fanpage) properly
- added better update function
- added appearance fixes to module configuration page
- facebook changed the way of how fanpage tab (page tab) works, so it was necessary to alter module and app code
- fixes to module appearance on facebook fanpage
- new script to generate like and share buttons
- new design of module configuration page (in prestashop back office)
- possibility to turn on / off automatic updates checker
- possibility to check if new version of the module is available manually from "updates" section
- fixes to ssl connections between module and produts / categories / cms pages / manufacturers etc. loader
- added "add to cart" feature
- improved color settings page, added buttons to reset colors to default
-started to log changes in the module, upgrades the translations of the module configuration page - added missed translations to the module