Prestashop Notification about new customer account

This module will notify you - as a shop owner - about new user account register. Email will be delivered immediately - once someone will create new account in your shop. Module has also feature to send email to customer if admin creates new user account in shop's back office

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x, 1.5.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.2.6
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
  • Trusted developer of module Notification about new customer account
  • Support to the module Notification about new customer account
  • Free updates of the module Notification about new customer account
  • Open source - you can edit module code Notification about new customer account
  • Module Notification about new customer account works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Notification about new customer account works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Notification about new customer account works with PrestaShop 1.5
  • Module Notification about new customer account works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Notification about new customer account

Main feature of this addon is to inform shop owner (admin) about new customer register. You will receive should notification immediately once customer will register in shop (with usage of register form or during purchase - if customer expect to create new account). It also informs you when someone register with social network integrations (if these social network register modules supports actionCustomerAccountAdd hook).

notifications abouit new user accounts

As you probably know prestashop does not inform customer abount user account creation if admin creates new customer in shop's back office. With this module you can inform your customer about new user account creation - when you as an admin creates this new account in shop's back office,

send notification to customer when admin creates new account

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Notification about new customer account

  1. module to send email to customer when admin creates new customer account in shop back office
  2. module to send email to shop admin when new user creates account
  3. notification to customer when admin creates new account
  4. notification to shop owner after customer register

Associated videos: Prestashop Notification about new customer account

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Notification about new customer account

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Notification about new customer account Changelog - informations about updates


- added improvements to notifications feature, module sends notifications to customers when account is imported in shop's back office "import csv" tool



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x environment



- added improvements to module workflow in back office of shop



- added improvements to "password" feature that includes user password when admin creates account for customer



- included {password} variable to email when admin creates an user account in shop's back office



- added fixes to email delivery process to customer when admin creates an account in shop's back office



- added improvements to polish translation



- added feature to send email to customer if admin creates ne user account in shop's back office



- added possibility to point email addresses where module will deliver notification about customer register

- you can use many various email addresses for this purpose



- added information about customer's company to email (if customer created an account as a company)



- added improvements to module that make it work with prestashop 1.7.x



- added translation of the module and its email to Polish language



- started project on mypresta addons marketplace

152.00 zł
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