Prestashop Email attachments

With this module you can easily add any kind of file attachment to selected mails that your shop sends to your customers. With features available in this module you can easily add own files to email, generate pdf files based on cms pages contents or even create pdf file with usage of rich text editor

Shop version 8.x, 1.7.x, 1.6.x PrestaShop 8.0 support Yes :-)
Available translations
Module version 1.3.2
Works with ThirtyBees Yes
Public help and discussion Open forum discussion
  • Trusted developer of module Email attachments
  • Support to the module Email attachments
  • Free updates of the module Email attachments
  • Open source - you can edit module code Email attachments
  • Module Email attachments works with PrestaShop 1.7
  • Module Email attachments works with PrestaShop 1.6
  • Module Email attachments works with PrestaShop 8.0

More info: Prestashop Email attachments

As you already know - with this module you can easily attach unlimited number of emails that your shop sends to customers of your shop. Plugin is multi-store and multi-language friendly. You can setup unique settings for each attachment. It is the only one available module that will send attachemnts in emails delivered by third party modules!

attach files to emails

With module you can create unlimited number of attachment instances. These instances can use 3 types of attachments: own file, cms page contents [pdf], custom contents [pdf]. So, during configuration of attachment instance, you can select what type of file it will attach:

3 types of attachments
Manual file upload Cms page contents [PDF file] Custom contents [PDF file]
Upload own files and attach them to selected emails delivered by your shop Select Cms page and automatically generate PDF file with cms page contents Create custom contents with usage of rich text editor - module will generate PDF file with these contents.

Variables feature

As you already know - our module gives you possibility to create attachment from CMS page (pdf file) or Custom contents (pdf file). In body of these contents you can use the same variables that are associated with email template where you want to assign additional attachment. Simply saying - while you will create pdf attachment, you can use variables that will be replaced with corresponding values. Like {firstname} - will be replaced with customer's firstname, if you will use {order_name} - it will be replaced with order reference number.

Support of all emails!
This module allows to attach files to email by template. It supports core emails and also emails from modules! This is really powerful feature because you can attach files to emails like newsletter subscriptions, gift cards emails from modules etc.

Support of all emails!
Core emails Emails from modules

core - bankwire
core - cheque
core - contact
core - contact_form
core - credit_slip
core - download_product
core - employee_password
core - forward_msg
core - guest_to_customer
core - import
core - in_transit
core - log_alert
core - newsletter
core - order_canceled
core - order_changed
core - order_conf
core - order_conf_cart_rules
core - order_conf_product_list
core - order_customer_comment
core - order_merchant_comment
core - order_return_state
core - outofstock
core - password
core - password_query
core - payment
core - payment_error
core - preparation
core - productoutofstock
core - refund
core - reply_msg
core - shipped
core - test
core - voucher
core - voucher_new

All emails delivered with custom modules, for exmaple:

module: followup - followup_1
module: followup - followup_2
module: followup - followup_3
module: followup - followup_4
module: giftcertificate - custom_friend_1
module: giftcertificate - custom_friend_2
module: giftcertificate - gcrt_friend
module: giftcertificate - gcrt_voucher
module: ordercoupons - oc_voucher
module: orderfiles - of_admin_customer
module: orderfiles - of_admin_customer_account
module: orderfiles - of_admin_customer_comment
module: orderfiles - of_customer
module: orderfiles - of_front_customer_comment
module: orderfiles - of_order
module: oreminders - reminder
module: oreminders - reminder_status_change
module: ph_simpleblog - new_comment
module: ps_emailalerts - customer_qty
module: ps_emailalerts - new_order
module: ps_emailalerts - order_changed

If you use also other custom modules that sends emails
we guarantee that module will allow to attach file to these emails

Attach file to email only if customer purchased specific product
Module has feature to create instance of attachment that will be added to email only if customer purchased specific product. Module checks if email template contains {id_order} variable. If this variable will exists in email - module can check if this specific order was an order for specific product. And if so - attach an attachment to order, or not. 

Attach to order confirmation email all "attachments" of purchased products

Module as feature to attach all files (attachments that were uploaded for specific product) to order confirmation email (order_conf template). This option is available to activate on main configuration page of the module. Option - when active will check what products customer purchased - then verify if these products have attachments and if so - attach it to email with order confirmation email.

Usage examples of module: Prestashop Email attachments

  1. meet the law requirements
  2. attach terms and conditions pdf to emails
  3. attach privacy policy pdf to emails
  4. attach terms and conditions to order confirmation email
  5. attach file to email only if customer purchased specific product in order

Associated videos: Prestashop Email attachments

No video is associated with this module at the moment

Module reviews: Prestashop Email attachments

Reviews were placed by customers that purchased this addon. If you already purchased this plugin and if you expect to left a review - you will get an email form shop after 2 weeks from purchase. This email will contain reminder about pending comment with url to review form
Average grade

Frequently asked questions

Feature under construction

Associated blog posts

No blog entries associated with this product

Email attachments Changelog - informations about updates


- added new feature to automatically add attachments from "attachments" associated with purchased products



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 8.x 



- updated the search tool to optimize it workflow in prestashop 8.x



- released module version that is ready to work in prestashop 8.x environment



- added feature to create attachment that will be applicable to all shops



- added improvements to feature that identifies purchased products



- added new feature to send email attachment only if email contains {id_order} variable and if order that is behind email contains specific product (module will attach file to email if customer purchased specific product)



- added improvements to module configuration appearance in prestashop 1.7.x releases



- added improvements to module workflow to avoid internal server errors



- added feature that gives you possibility to use in contents editor (and on cms page editor) variables that module will include to generated .pdf file.

- this feature gives you possibility to use the same variables as available variables in email template where you want to assign attachments



- added improvements to module configuration page

- from now updates checker points to correct module (not as it was before 1.2.2 verison)



- added improvements to language identification in shop's back office,



- added improvements to module usage in prestashop 1.6.x



- released version that is ready to work withp restashop 1.7.x

- added feature to geberate pdf file based on custom contents (defined with rich text editor)



- started project on mypresta addons marketplace

- module is ready to work with prestashop 1.6.x


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