In this tutorial i want to show you how to create new column in our shop footer section. You can achieve it for totally free with my free HTML BOX module that is available to download from website. With this addon you can create custom contents blocks anywhere you want on your website. Free version allows to use module in most important parts of the shop - you can use it also in footer section.
How to create new column
Firstly, install my absolutely free custom contents module. Then open module configuration page. From left hand column section (there where positions appears) select "footer" hook (to display our new block in footer section). And in right column section - there where rich text editor appears - select source code tool </> to enter custom code. Paste there code:
<section class="footer-block col-xs-12 col-sm-2"> <h4>Block heading</h4> <div class="block_content toggle-footer">Contents of our new block. This is an exmaple of my block contents. You can also paste here other text, add images, links or even videos.</div> </section>
After that hit "ok" button to apply code to rich text editor. You can alter your text there, and also add own contents like images etc. There is no limitations related to contents size. You can add there anything you want.
Custom code tool in rich text editor
Possible problems