This modulee like other addons must be configured. Below you can read informations about module features and module configuration.
List of available topics
Product edit page
As you already know this module allows to configure its paramters in two sections. First - is a module configuration page and second section is a product edit page where you configure settings of addon individually for product. It is wortth to mention that all "bulk" configuration forms (available on main configuration page) saves settings of minimal quantities on product edit page. So if you will bulk configure products - you can access to product edit page and alter settings of module for this product.
Addon configuration page
The main configuration page of module is a section where you can configure plugin's global settings - simply saying - the way of how module will behave globally. What it will display, how it will add products to cart etc. This section is available under "configure" button that is available on list of modules in your shop.