Webservice is a tool in PrestaShop available by default and it enables merchants to give third-party tools access to their shop's database through a CRUD API, otherwise called a web service. Unfortunately disadvantage of webservice is fact that it does not execute hooks when you are using webservice to add some objects to shop like products, customers, categories etc. In this guide i want to show you how to run hook in webservice. Guide is based on 'customer' object addition to shop's database.
One of merchant purchased a module to activate customer's account with special link delivered with email (double opt-in sign up process in prestashop). It works perfectly when customer creates an account with register form that is available in prestashop on authentication page or during checkout process. Customer that purchased this addon started to use webservice to integrate third party app with prestashop. This app creates customer accounts in prestashop with webservice. Unfortunately webservice does not allow to execute modules, so in effect module is useless. In this guide i want to show how to execute hook with webservice call, so in effect all modules will be executed too.
How to execute actionCustomerAccountAdd hook with webservice?
We need to add special code to prestashop's core file that is responsible for webservice tool. The file is located here: /classes/webservice/WebserviceRequest.php. This file contains a function code:
/** * save Entity Object from XML * * @param int $successReturnCode * @return bool */ protected function saveEntityFromXml($successReturnCode){ ... }
Near the line 1492 it contains code:
$result = $object->{$objectMethod}();
Right after this line please copy-paste the hook execution code i attach below:
if ($result == true) { if (strtolower($retrieve_data['className']) == 'customer') { Hook::exec('actionCustomerAccountAdd', array( '_POST' => $_POST, 'executed_from_webservice' => true, 'newCustomer' => $object )); } }
Code I suggested to paste checks the result of webservice query. If result is true it checks the name of the object. If the object name is equal to "customer" - the hook actionCustomerAccountAdd will be executed with defined parameters:
Execution of other hooks
In the same way you can execute other hooks, just run different hook name in context of different object name stored in $retrieve_data['className'] variable.